katiemerz x KALATY
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Kalaty and Katie Merz, renowned Brooklyn mural artist and professor of drawing at The Cooper Union School of Art, have collaborated to produce an innovative licensed series of artist-inspired area rug collections – katie merz x Kalaty. For the first two Katie Merz collections – artwrks & colorwrks – Kalaty turned the artist’s colorful and dynamic line-based works on paper into exciting contemporary rug designs. \r\nMore recently, Kalaty introduced bklynwrks & sportsglyphs, rug collections featuring the artist’s freehand glyph-style mural art, for which Katie Merz credits as among her chief creative influences “Brooklyn, cartoons, architecture, silence and the kinetic structure of things.” For bklynwrks, Kalaty chose to develop a rug collection around motifs found in a large mural Katie painted for Brooklyn’s Navy Yard building. For the sportsglyphs collection, Katie created original artworks in her spontaneous hieroglyph style which have been turned into area rugs that cleverly illustrate specific popular sports such as soccer, baseball and basketball … with the potential for more sports themes to come.